The news of the week is all about Boehner’s interview, Manafort’s indictment, and the pedophile Kevin Spacey.  Meanwhile, all conservative media is missing the most important stories of the week.  Which is why we are here…

In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we discuss how the courts continue to dismantle the fabric of our society and the values of our Constitution by nullifying election law, mandating transgenderism in the military, and ripping down war memorials.  Rather than fight back against it, the administration is obsequiously giving in to the courts and even appealing the one good ruling conservatives got from the judiciary on a labor regulation.  The courts are legislative the continuation of Obama’s lawless or harmful policies beyond his presidency.  

The more we are distracted the more the left will continue winning 100-year culture battles over night without firing a shot.  They need not win elections.  The courts and administrative state are doing it for them.   

Show links

Fourth Circuit owns North Carolina

Leftists running Pentagon want to draft women
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The news of the week is all about Boehner’s interview, Manafort’s indictment, and the pedophile Kevin Spacey.  Meanwhile, all conservative media is missing the most important stories of the week.  Which is why we are here…

In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we discuss how the courts continue to dismantle the fabric of our society and the values of our Constitution by nullifying election law, mandating transgenderism in the military, and ripping down war memorials.  Rather than fight back against it, the administration is obsequiously giving in to the courts and even appealing the one good ruling conservatives got from the judiciary on a labor regulation.  The courts are legislative the continuation of Obama’s lawless or harmful policies beyond his presidency.  

The more we are distracted the more the left will continue winning 100-year culture battles over night without firing a shot.  They need not win elections.  The courts and administrative state are doing it for them.   

Show links

Fourth Circuit owns North Carolina

Leftists running Pentagon want to draft women

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