In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, Daniel explains the depth and profundity of the betrayal of conservatives.  There is so much capitulation going on, it’s hard to keep up.  Worse, Republicans are using their operation to smear conservatives and project on them their own faults.  Facts and details of legislation no longer matter.  Lies and deceptions reign supreme. 
The core of the problem is that we have now accepted the soft bigotry of low expectations from Republicans.  As long as they do one thing slightly different from Democrats, that is enough to mollify some phony conservatives.  Then they call anyone who upholds the most basic tenets of the GOP platform a purist.  This is how Democrat policies triumph even when they are out of power.  This party is irremediably broken and we need to break outside of the existing paradigm to do more. 
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Jared pushing criminal justice deform!
Trump delaying move to designate Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group
GOP establishment purists already surrendered April budget fight … with control of all 3 branches!
At least some Republicans are honest about not wanting to repeal Obamacare
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In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, Daniel explains the depth and profundity of the betrayal of conservatives.  There is so much capitulation going on, it’s hard to keep up.  Worse, Republicans are using their operation to smear conservatives and project on them their own faults.  Facts and details of legislation no longer matter.  Lies and deceptions reign supreme. 

The core of the problem is that we have now accepted the soft bigotry of low expectations from Republicans.  As long as they do one thing slightly different from Democrats, that is enough to mollify some phony conservatives.  Then they call anyone who upholds the most basic tenets of the GOP platform a purist.  This is how Democrat policies triumph even when they are out of power.  This party is irremediably broken and we need to break outside of the existing paradigm to do more. 

Show Links

Jared pushing criminal justice deform!

Trump delaying move to designate Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group

GOP establishment purists already surrendered April budget fight … with control of all 3 branches!

At least some Republicans are honest about not wanting to repeal Obamacare

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