How is it possible to get hit by a parked car?  It’s not possible, of course, unless you do it on purpose.  The same applies to Trump and Republicans losing the upcoming budget battle. 
In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we explore the mechanics of the budget battle and how the perfidy and betrayal demonstrates that Republicans don’t share our values.  It is impossible to lose a government shutdown fight when you control all three branches unless you don’t want to win or unless your definition of winning is different from your campaign promises. 
Republicans are set to cave on the border wall, refugee resettlement, protecting Trump’s executive order, and Planned Parenthood, as well as the spending levels.  When juxtaposed to what Democrats got in 2009 when they controlled all three branches, it should become evident to anyone willing to listen that Republicans don’t share the values of their base the way Democrats represent their voters.
Finally, Daniel discusses the mechanics of the filibuster and how several recent factors have changed the importance of this tool or at least the way it is practiced.     
Show links:
So much for the ‘Art of the Deal’: Trump and GOP leaders are about to cave on the budget
While Trump attacks conservatives, his immigration agenda burns
New budget report: America will be Greece unless health care is fixed
Tillerson selling out to the Taliban?
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How is it possible to get hit by a parked car?  It’s not possible, of course, unless you do it on purpose.  The same applies to Trump and Republicans losing the upcoming budget battle. 

In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we explore the mechanics of the budget battle and how the perfidy and betrayal demonstrates that Republicans don’t share our values.  It is impossible to lose a government shutdown fight when you control all three branches unless you don’t want to win or unless your definition of winning is different from your campaign promises. 

Republicans are set to cave on the border wall, refugee resettlement, protecting Trump’s executive order, and Planned Parenthood, as well as the spending levels.  When juxtaposed to what Democrats got in 2009 when they controlled all three branches, it should become evident to anyone willing to listen that Republicans don’t share the values of their base the way Democrats represent their voters.

Finally, Daniel discusses the mechanics of the filibuster and how several recent factors have changed the importance of this tool or at least the way it is practiced.     

Show links:

So much for the ‘Art of the Deal’: Trump and GOP leaders are about to cave on the budget

While Trump attacks conservatives, his immigration agenda burns

New budget report: America will be Greece unless health care is fixed

Tillerson selling out to the Taliban?

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