Today, I compare the problems of our front door immigration (front door) to our back-door problems with the border and conclude that they are both equally bad.

Everyone is discussing the anti-Semitic comments from Somali Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn. What most people are missing is that this is a pervasive sentiment from many, not all, but many of the millions that we’ve admitted from these countries over the past generation. Why are we importing values of places that stand in contrast to our universal values here at home?

Next, I update you on the latest at the New Mexico border and how disincentives and incentives matter when it comes to a border invasion. Finally, I demonstrate why illegal aliens likely commit even more crime than the numbers we are seeing.   

Show links

The Somali congresswomen should be investigated for multiple felonies

Should we import the values of the Middle East?

Watch for Kavanaugh to be the new Roberts

New Mexico gov surrenders her state to the cartels

FAIR’s analysis of criminal alien incarceration population

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Today, I compare the problems of our front door immigration (front door) to our back-door problems with the border and conclude that they are both equally bad.

Everyone is discussing the anti-Semitic comments from Somali Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn. What most people are missing is that this is a pervasive sentiment from many, not all, but many of the millions that we’ve admitted from these countries over the past generation. Why are we importing values of places that stand in contrast to our universal values here at home?

Next, I update you on the latest at the New Mexico border and how disincentives and incentives matter when it comes to a border invasion. Finally, I demonstrate why illegal aliens likely commit even more crime than the numbers we are seeing.   

Show links

The Somali congresswomen should be investigated for multiple felonies

Should we import the values of the Middle East?

Watch for Kavanaugh to be the new Roberts

New Mexico gov surrenders her state to the cartels

FAIR’s analysis of criminal alien incarceration population

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