It all gets back to the cartels and the courts. What do the two have to do with each other?

First, I brief you on the latest betrayals from Republicans and how they not only plan to cave on the border wall, but to actually make the policies that are driving the invasion even worse. Next, I lay out a winning strategy for Trump to declare war on the cartels.  

Who is empowering the cartels? It’s all the court rulings. Which brings us to John Roberts and his recent ruling in an abortion case. Roberts is even worse than you think. Tune in to find out why.

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Roberts takes his disdain for the Constitution to a new level

My blueprint for Trump’s success on the border

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It all gets back to the cartels and the courts. What do the two have to do with each other?

First, I brief you on the latest betrayals from Republicans and how they not only plan to cave on the border wall, but to actually make the policies that are driving the invasion even worse. Next, I lay out a winning strategy for Trump to declare war on the cartels.  

Who is empowering the cartels? It’s all the court rulings. Which brings us to John Roberts and his recent ruling in an abortion case. Roberts is even worse than you think. Tune in to find out why.

Show links

Roberts takes his disdain for the Constitution to a new level

My blueprint for Trump’s success on the border

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