Episode 92 - The One Thing Every Successful Parent Does

Every parent experiences challenges (many of them on their parenting journey). What most parents do is:

They sit in the same guilt and do nothing.

Actually what they do is avoid.

Distract themselves from the pain, the shame, the guilt…

What happens when you do something differently?

This is what we will explore here today.

I will give you my specific strategy I used to stop yelling at my daughter.

Ps. this was recorded in Peanut as a live pod & was open for Q&A at the end if you want to join one of my episodes live & have the chance to ask me your questions find your favourite way to connect with me (information below, I recommend IG) and I will give you details on how to join the next peanut pod.

Enjoy this amazing conversation!

Thank you for listening and continuing to elevate your consciousness and bring more love, joy, passion, freedom, abundance & happiness into your life.

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If you are interested in sponsoring an episode of Conscious Parenting Paradigm, contact us here: [email protected]

You can find France on: Instagram & Tiktok @france_karianne

Or https://the-connect-parent-child-classroom.teachable.com

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