This month's conversation is with Helen Purcell, director of the Living Wisdom School in Palo Alto, California. Helen is veteran educator with over 40 years of teaching experience as well as mother of two grown children.  Helen was part of the first team to spread the word about Education for Life and she says the EFL philosophy has informed both her teaching and parenting ever since.

In this episode, we discuss:

Education for Life as a map for understanding and working with energyCreating a solution oriented family cultureWhat to do when your child wants to quitReleasing expectations and nurturing the individualThe mistake of over scheduling and how to combat itSingle parenthood, small families and the need for communityHow to prioritize meditation as a parentDeveloping your child's spiritual lifeSharing values like kindness and joy

Resources Mentioned in this Episode

Living Wisdom School, Palo AltoAnanda CommunitiesEducation for LifeAwake and Ready Exercises

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