Hay guys I so excited to share this episode with you. this may have been one of the best episodes we have ever done, we have an amazing guy called Darius Namdaran. during this episode, we talk about the dyslexics mind. and how it is different from a nondyslexic mind in the way we can remember and hold our ideas down on paper. what he shared with me on this episode opened my mind about the organization as dyslexics and why making a visual map of what's in your head is so so valuable for us to remember and use the information in our head.
Darius Namdar has created something so amazing called bullet map academy, and I myself am a member of this, and it's so amazing, the community there and to speak to all the people who have to use his methods and how it has changed their life is so eye-opening. could not recommend it any more.
Click here to get look into bullet map academy

and to know if you are dyslexic, or what type and how severe. Darius has a free app that i recommend to all my friends called (Dyslexia Quiz)
it takes 5 minutes and its so fun and friendly
click here to get the app 

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