Summary: You’re sitting in the space shuttle for the first time ever and it begins to countdown from 10, what’s going through your mind? We received the amazing privilege to sit down with veteran, U.S. Astronaut, and all-around extraordinary individual, Captain Dominic Gorie. In this episode, we cover everything from the thoughts that went through
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You’re sitting in the space shuttle for the first time ever and it begins to countdown from 10, what’s going through your mind? We received the amazing privilege to sit down with veteran, U.S. Astronaut, and all-around extraordinary individual, Captain Dominic Gorie. In this episode, we cover everything from the thoughts that went through his mind while being shot at flying fighter pilots in the military, to what life was like in space and Captain Gorie’s take/tips on achieving success and happiness in anything that you do. If you’re interested in how to have a more fulfilling life, Captain Gorie has the secrets.


00:00 Intro, patreon plug, conquering columbus music

02:15 Captain Dominic Gorie’s background and introduction

03:15 Our connection with Captain Dominic Gorie & his affiliation with Ohio State

04:30 When did you first know you wanted to be a pilot and be in the Navy?

07:00 Life in the Naval Academy

09:30 Dom’s prestigious classmates

10:00 “The most memorable things I cherish were the friendships”

11:00 Life in flight school

14:00 The most memorable missions

19:00 “When somebodies shooting at you, you very quickly determine what’s important in life…”

22:00 When did you first realize that you wanted to be an astronaut?

24:00 The interview process for becoming a U.S. Astronaut

27:45 The common thread among all U.S. Astronauts

30:00 Extreme ownership

31:45 The Summit of Greatness

32:40 You’re sitting in the shuttle as the countdown begins for your first flight, what’s going through your mind?

37:20 Did anything ever go wrong on any of your space flights?

39:30 What are the keys to being a successful leader?

42:45 How were you able to identify your crew’s strengths/weaknesses as a leader?

44:00 Captain Dominic Gorie’s life today, and what keeps him motivated today

46:00 Climbing 22,000 feet with a group of wounded veterans

47:30 I’ve got a grand-baby!

48:00 Dom’s family and the success they’ve achieved in life

49:45 Captain Dominico Gorie’s final words to our audience


Wikipedia | Dominic Gorie

The Summit of Greatness
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