Leading expert on time management and selling negotiations, Chris Croft from Chris Croft Training and Management joins us again this week to discuss price negotiations. He is one of the most viewed authors on udemy.com and on Linkedin Learning with 36 courses, 24,000 views a day, and 18 million students in total. His Negotiation Skills course on udemy is the most popular negotiating course in the world. Most negotiations are from the buyer's perspective. We're flipping the script today. SMBs and agency owners especially need someone rooting for them. Here's how to become more confident in charging what you're worth. Actually, it's more than charging what you're worth- here's how to get what you're worth. Listen to Chris' Top 10 Price Negotiating Tips for sellers in this week's episode, and find them listed here:

Set a walk-away pointBuyers have weaknessesSay 'no' the first timeInstead of 'yes' or 'no'... negotiate!Try not to open firstDon't open with a round number (sounds made up)Open beyond your best hopeDo the flinch; watch for the flinchJustifying opening price after reducing price (what's the trade?)Look out for the nibble


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