Vendasta CCO and Conquer Local Podcast Host, George Leith is taking us to school this week with another Master Sales Series episode. Finding success in our careers is all about development. It's that self-awareness and knowing where you excel and where you need to invest more time. Those tasks you've been wanting to cross off, the conversations you've been wanting to have, why aren't they happening? We get so focused in execution mode, where we just "do", "do", "do". However, it's imperative we debrief now and then to assess how we are operating and HOW we can be better. George is going to go through the following top 10 skills to win at work and discuss how you can implement them today:

Ability to self-manageStay organized Emotional intelligence Focus on teamworkBeing able to make decisions Dive deepActive listening Good writing Speaking Networking

REGISTER HERE If you enjoy our Podcast, you're going to love our Conference. We are inviting you to join our action-packed, half-day conference, Conquer Local Connect on December 9 beginning at 11:00 AM EST (GMT -5). At Connect, we will be distilling insights and themes from this year’s top podcast episodes. Learn best practices for prospecting, overcoming challenges, and setting yourself up for success in 2022. Join us live to win big through our giveaways or- at the very least- leave with actionable lessons learned and a massive boost in energy and focus.

Conquer Local is presented by Vendasta. We have proudly served 5+ million local businesses through 50,000+ channel partners. 

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