The 4 Biggest Killers of Exercise & Diet Motivation

Today, I provide an overview of some new research (PLUS my input) into the 4 biggest killers of motivation. 

The study was completed by Richard Clark from the BSC Clinic for Cognitive Thinking

They are: 

Value Mismatch

Values are what we hold dear. They impact how we think and what we do, but they can also conflict with our ultimate health and fitness goals.

To establish your values check out The Values Factor book or look through the lists here

A Lack of Self-Efficacy

How you value yourself and whether you think you are good enough or able. People with low self-efficacy will see problems as obstacles and may even avoid challenging tasks. They will tend to focus on the previous failure instead of wins.

To increase your self-efficacy start building up a history of wins and success with small achievable goals and recognising your progress. 

Disruptive Emotions

Sometimes the silliest emotions can cause you to eat bad food or not do your workout. Look out for the trigger situations and emotions then look for ways to change your reaction to these events and emotions.

Attribution Errors

Often we attribute failures and problem to the wrong things. Spend time brainstorming the factors that you believe are causing you issues and work out if they are the true causes of failures.