S3-Ep20 Losing 17 kgs (2.5 Stone) in 33 Days With Mark Neale

Residential rapid weight loss breaks
➤ Conquer Food Programme - https://conquerfood.org/programme
➤ TEAM Bootcamp - https://team-bootcamp.com

I've got great guests for you today, with some mega insight into a massive chunk of weight loss. His name's Mark Neale and in 33 days, get this, lost 17 kilos! Just under three stone!

Okay. Well, I'm a, I'm 52, and, I've always been a bodybuilder, always been in the gym, joined the army as a teenager, and that sort of started my fitness regime. Recently I have had a lot of personal and business problems. That just leads to no motivation to train, lots of motivation to eat the wrong things, to make yourself feel better. So all of my muscle tone went, and then I just built fat and started eating and drinking too much.

I just started to think I needed to do something really significant. My life had come to a big crossroads, so I had a natural break in my professional life and natural break in my personal life. I just started searching the internet for a boot camp and that led me here

What things were you worried about?

Yeah, very nervous. When I pulled up in the car the first Friday I turned up here and I remember pulling it into the driveway and my heart started racing.

So when you've arrived at camp had you set some expectations for yourself?

Physically I hadn't done anything for four years. I wasn't afraid physically but I was apprehensive cause I wasn't sure how much my body, 52 years old, how much my body could take. But there's been people through boot camp, 60 plus years old.

What have you learned about yourself since being at camp?

I've completely changed my attitude towards foods. I now spend probably three times longer in a shop because I'm looking at all the labels for kind of what's in the ingredient list. I'm now consciously making better decisions about what fuel I put into my body.

Can you give listeners one tip for training, one tip of food 7 one tip for mindset?

The only advice I can think of giving anyone that's going to come into this environment is you've just got to push yourself to the absolute limit. You'll be surprised at what you can achieve.

What about a tip for food?

Only because it's been drilled into us by the trainers... make sure you have lots of colourful food. If you look at a plate of colour, it's gonna be, a really healthy, exciting plate of food because it will be scattered with vegetables and different styles of meats.

What about something that helps you maintain a positive mindset?
Find all the best qualities in other people and import them into your own life and then spread that knowledge as much as you can.

What does your future for you look like?

So knowing what I've achieved in that first month, 17 kilos.  , I can't even, I can't even guess where I'm going to be at the end of my journey because all I know that this natural break that we've, we're having to live with when we do start again, my body will be shocked again.
Like it was in that first week and my first week I lost 12 pounds. 

Thanks for sharing your story, it's gonna be interesting to see where you at the end.