Craig: [00:00:00] Welcome to the conquer food podcast with Craig and Paula Williams, where we share tips, tricks, and strategies from the coalface of the weight loss industry in the UK. We're going to help you to think, eat and move better. Ultimately, we're going to help you finally gain control.

[00:00:17] Welcome back to the Conquer Food podcast. No, that's wrong. It is a Quarantine Daily Podcast. Yeah, I've got a usual panel, Ric, Nicola, and Georgia. I'm still answering your questions. Got some really good questions today, which we're going to dive into. Before we start though, we're going to do a one minute or gratitude for today.

[00:00:35]Ric, I'm going to start with you. What's good or new? 

[00:00:38] Ricci: [00:00:38] What's good on you today? I am feeling very upbeat. I'm feeling like. Everything's going to be okay. That's a good thing. Anyway, we'll, we'll get through this and we'll be better people for it. 

[00:00:49] Craig: [00:00:49] Amazing. 

[00:00:51] Nicola: [00:00:51] Oh, me, my hair looks amazing today. That's my thing.

[00:00:56] It looks amazing. 

[00:00:58] Craig: [00:00:58] Good. 

[00:00:58] Georgia: [00:00:58] Mine is, I made avocado toast and I've got coffee in front of me. 

[00:01:02] Ricci: [00:01:02] Oh, 

[00:01:03] Craig: [00:01:03] wow. Little things make a big difference, right? So we're gonna, we're gonna do our little, little questions today. I've got a question stair from, from Emma. we all know really active in the group. So let's do this question.

[00:01:15] Some justice. I've lost it. 

[00:01:17] Georgia: [00:01:17] I love, and the videos. Have you seen the chicken? 

[00:01:19] Craig: [00:01:19] Chicken. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. 

[00:01:21] Georgia: [00:01:21] I need the chicken to be in every video she sends now. 

[00:01:25] Craig: [00:01:25] Right. So the first part, self-control with all things snacky, you know, I'm sure we go, sure. We little snack every now and again. We all love that little, that little bit of a devil on our shoulder.

[00:01:38] Georgia: [00:01:38] I think it's things that you already know. There's, you could take away the snacks so you don't have the option to snack if you really don't want to, or you have snacks ready that are a slightly better choice rather than, you know, as we spoke about again, where you go look in each different cupboard and you're like, what do I want?

[00:01:54] What will, if you have little things ready and prepared and the, you know, your goal, like those are your options. That's what you're going to choose rather than. The big bag of crisps in the cupboard or just don't buy the pink bag of Chris and then you don't have the option to eat it. I don't 

[00:24:26] Craig: Hey, I, I'm looking for some real inspiration from Nic for today's closing words

[00:25:07] Nicola: [00:25:07] mine is going to be from the last podcast. I'm going to release it back out. Rise and shine people. So not just get out of your bed, but rise. Get up in the morning, how he can make the world better today. How you can make yourself better.

[00:25:19] And the shine part is how are you going to expand that energy to other people? How are you going to share the goodness and the positivity with everyone around you? Rise and shine, 

[00:25:27] Craig: [00:25:27] right? Everyone give us a big rise and shine, and we're going to close this down. Three, two, one. RISE & SHINE