Tommy Marquez is a CrossFitter and has been working in the CrossFit space for 10 years now. After originally working in the field of Psychology/Mental health, he switched to be a CF trainer full-time and help Open an affiliate early in 2010. He started working for CF Media in 2011 as a production assistant, handling various jobs, before getting the opportunity to write content for the Update Show, and eventually present my own content as an on-air commentator/host/analyst in 2014.

In 2018, he was let go from CrossFit and has continued to do similar work as a freelancer. He's worked with events directly, written for morning chalk up, started a podcast (Talking Elite Fitness), a studio show (Inside Elite Fitness, on hiatus), and helps consult with events to organize their media plan. He's a huge sports fan, and consider himself a lifelong athlete, competing and participating in as many sports as possible.

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