Donna Gates has helped thousands of people around the world to overcome candidiasis and other immune system disorders.
Donna's book, The Body Ecology Diet, was written after years of research to find a cure for her own candida-related health problems.
On today's Gab with the Gurus Radio Show, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Donna, who will help you to reclaim your health (assuming you have some issues).
Among other things, Donna will discuss her journey -- how after being frustrated with conventional medicine, she embarked on a long course of study into many different healing concepts, including ancient Chinese medicine, macrobiotics, natural hygiene, raw foods and mega-supplement therapy. She then developed her own system of health and healing, and her success inspired her to share it with others.
In addition, you'll get some valuable tips.
Donna has received awesome endorsements from such Mind-Body-Spirit pioneer Louise L. Hay, the New York Times best-selling author of You Can Heal Your Life, as well as actress Jessica Biel.   Here's what Jessica said:
"Body Ecology emphasizes the importance of what we put into our bodies and teaches a way of eating that makes me feel like I am in control of my health and in tune with my body's intuitive needs. Cultured vegetables and coconut kefir have become essentials, not only in my home, but whenever I travel."
- Jessica Biel, Actress.   Tell your friends about this exciting show, which, as usual, you can listen to live, or later, at your convenience.