Rick Betenbough and his dad went into business together to build low-income housing.
"I had an idea that we should build a bunch of homes, and my dad had an idea that we should honor God while doing so. We know that our businesses belong to the Lord and that it is his ministry in the marketplace. Kingdom at Work is a movement in the marketplace. God wants His people all over the world to stand up wherever He has planted them and for His kingdom to come in that place and through their leadership." - Rick
In 2014 Rick had the oprotunity to give the operational leadership of the company to a young, competent team. This allowed him to take a step back and Kingdom at Work emerged in that season. Casey Brewer joined that effort at the Marketplace Communications Manager.
"We partner with local leaders and men and women of influence. We talk about God's Kingdom in the marketplace. We seek to inspire, equip, and ignite business owners, executives, and organizational leaders by hosting events and workshops, offereing leadership coaching, and sharing stories of kingdom impact. God is at work in the marketplace, there is no doubt about that!" - Casey
A core offering of Kingdom at Work is a three-day workshop for senior leadership teams. The workshop allows time over three days for God to be at work in the lives of the leaders in attendance. Together they seek the Lord in a new and deeper way. The team at Kingdom at Work believes that God wants to move in the marketplace through His leaders, and that He does so through leadership teams. Together, these teams change the culture to a kingdom culture inside a business.
"When a kingdom leader engages in a kingdom style then a kingdom culture emerges and the kingdom of God advances." - Casey
Rick, Casey, and the Kingdom at Work team want the experience of the workshops to extend beyond just three days.
"Attendees are invited to engage with us. Teams come see us and we go on site with them as needed. As they ask the Lord to guide them they are going to hear what they need to do. We just want to walk alongside them and be available to them. We are excited to engage with them by phone and visit in addition to the workshop." - Rick
Kingdom at Work and Ambassdors for Business are partnering to bring mini-sessions to the Twin Cities area on September 5th. Details will be available on the Ambassadors for Business community events calendar (https://www.afbnl.com/community-events/) as they are available.
"The sessions will offer the opportunity to meet other business leaders who are asking some of the same questions and feel God moving them. There is power in gathering together to hear from the Lord, He shows up. Learn how important our work is to God, how we work alongside Him, and how He has called us to transition from being leaders in the marketplace to being spiritual leaders of the people that God has entrusted to us in the marketplace." - Rick
Learn more about Kingdom at Work (https://kingdomatwork.com/) and Betenbough Homes (https://www.betenbough.com/).

Rick Betenbough and his dad went into business together to build low-income housing.

"I had an idea that we should build a bunch of homes, and my dad had an idea that we should honor God while doing so. We know that our businesses belong to the Lord and that it is his ministry in the marketplace. Kingdom at Work is a movement in the marketplace. God wants His people all over the world to stand up wherever He has planted them and for His kingdom to come in that place and through their leadership." - Rick

In 2014 Rick had the oprotunity to give the operational leadership of the company to a young, competent team. This allowed him to take a step back and Kingdom at Work emerged in that season. Casey Brewer joined that effort at the Marketplace Communications Manager.

"We partner with local leaders and men and women of influence. We talk about God's Kingdom in the marketplace. We seek to inspire, equip, and ignite business owners, executives, and organizational leaders by hosting events and workshops, offereing leadership coaching, and sharing stories of kingdom impact. God is at work in the marketplace, there is no doubt about that!" - Casey

A core offering of Kingdom at Work is a three-day workshop for senior leadership teams. The workshop allows time over three days for God to be at work in the lives of the leaders in attendance. Together they seek the Lord in a new and deeper way. The team at Kingdom at Work believes that God wants to move in the marketplace through His leaders, and that He does so through leadership teams. Together, these teams change the culture to a kingdom culture inside a business.

"When a kingdom leader engages in a kingdom style then a kingdom culture emerges and the kingdom of God advances." - Casey

Rick, Casey, and the Kingdom at Work team want the experience of the workshops to extend beyond just three days.

"Attendees are invited to engage with us. Teams come see us and we go on site with them as needed. As they ask the Lord to guide them they are going to hear what they need to do. We just want to walk alongside them and be available to them. We are excited to engage with them by phone and visit in addition to the workshop." - Rick

Kingdom at Work and Ambassdors for Business are partnering to bring mini-sessions to the Twin Cities area on September 5th. Details will be available on the Ambassadors for Business community events calendar as they are available.

"The sessions will offer the opportunity to meet other business leaders who are asking some of the same questions and feel God moving them. There is power in gathering together to hear from the Lord, He shows up. Learn how important our work is to God, how we work alongside Him, and how He has called us to transition from being leaders in the marketplace to being spiritual leaders of the people that God has entrusted to us in the marketplace." - Rick

Learn more about Kingdom at Work and Betenbough Homes.

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