Mina Carlson, founder of Wilhelmina Ministries, coaches people through career change or a life transition by utilizing several tools. The process isn't lengthy, but does include several key aspects.
Mina shared that she starts with understanding where the individual she is coaching is at in their life and faith. She also takes them through a strengths assessment and a gifts assessment. After gauging their health and key relationships, Mina takes all the information they have compiled and helps the individual identify a plan of action to get them where they want to be.
Mina's coaching follows the E5 framework:
Engage - where are you right now in your life and faith?
Establish - where are you in your maturity level as a leader and disciple-maker?
Equip - how can you apply the tools, gifts, and strengths God has given you?
Empower - how will you courageously step out and follow God's plan for you?
Expand - how will you move from being a disciple to becoming a disciple-maker?
Mina shares that she often sees people get caught up in what is holding them back from the dreams and vision they have for their life and their work. They need someone to listen and share a picture of how they can change and grow. Mina believes that we people focus on their strengths, they find the confidence to move forward fast into what they have been called to do.
Learn more about Wilhelmina Ministries here: https://wilhelminaministries.com/
Find Women Up Faith on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WomanUpFaith/
Find Mina Carlson/Women Up Faith on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/womanupfaith/

Mina Carlson, founder of Wilhelmina Ministries, coaches people through career change or a life transition by utilizing several tools. The process isn't lengthy, but does include several key aspects.

Mina shared that she starts with understanding where the individual she is coaching is at in their life and faith. She also takes them through a strengths assessment and a gifts assessment. After gauging their health and key relationships, Mina takes all the information they have compiled and helps the individual identify a plan of action to get them where they want to be.

Mina's coaching follows the E5 framework:

Engage - where are you right now in your life and faith?

Establish - where are you in your maturity level as a leader and disciple-maker?

Equip - how can you apply the tools, gifts, and strengths God has given you?

Empower - how will you courageously step out and follow God's plan for you?

Expand - how will you move from being a disciple to becoming a disciple-maker?

Mina shares that she often sees people get caught up in what is holding them back from the dreams and vision they have for their life and their work. They need someone to listen and share a picture of how they can change and grow. Mina believes that we people focus on their strengths, they find the confidence to move forward fast into what they have been called to do.

Learn more about Wilhelmina Ministries here: https://wilhelminaministries.com/

Find Women Up Faith on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WomanUpFaith/

Find Mina Carlson/Women Up Faith on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/womanupfaith/

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