So often, many of us are still just waiting on our parents to show up for us in the way we needed them to when we were little.  Sometimes we’re consciously aware of this, oftentimes we’re not.  And it can continue long after our parents have passed, if we haven’t made the unconscious conscious and learned to reparent ourselves.  Otherwise, we often unintentionally seek this fulfillment from our most intimate relationships.  In this episode, I chat with fellow Certified Relational Life Therapist, Shane Birkel, who is able to take these big concepts and ground them in very clear language and context.  

If you’re new or feeling resistance to the idea of Relational Life Therapy, this episode is a great point of entry. Tune in as Shane and I discuss families of origin, healthy versus toxic shame, the importance of compassion and grief work during conflict, and what healthy relationships actually look like.


For great little relational videos, find Shane Birkel on Tiktok.

You can learn more about Shane's work at

You can also check out Shane’s podcast, The Couples Therapist Couch.

If you enjoyed this episode and want to dive in deeper, consider joining our upcoming Relationship Bootcamp or one of Rebecca's online offerings to deepen your relational skills and expand your self-care. Learn more at

Also, please check out our sister podcast, Why Does My Partner.

This podcast is not a substitute for counseling with a licensed provider.

Mentioned in this episode:

WDMP Integrating Heart+Mind

WDMP Integrating Heart+Mind