Our society is constructed to benefit White people, whether they're conscious of it or not. The “norm” we’ve inherited centers an oppressive and privileging system when it comes to equity and power. And it plays out in relationships...

In this episode, Francesca Maximé joins us to explore how interracial partners can embody anti-racism in their relationship. We explore how blind spots and racial misattunements affect interracial relationships. And we discuss how to build more equitable partnerships.

White Partners: You may have to practice sitting with discomfort, be honest about what you don't know, educate yourself, and lean into curiously opening conversations with your partner about their experience and how it differs from yours.

(This episode was recorded at the end of 2020.)


Francesca Maximé, LMSW is the host of the #ReRooted trauma, neuroscience and social justice podcast on the Be Here Now Network. Learn More about her offerings at maximeclarity.com.

Embodied Anti-Racism: A Mindfulness Way for Therapists and Helping Professionals

6-Week Online Course Embodied Antiracism: Examining Whiteness for Equitable Activism

More Resources Mentioned:

Whiteawake.org "Before We Were White"

The Center for the Study of White American Culture

Building a Multiracial Community

Lifting the White Veil

Historical Foundations of Race

Social location: what people mean

If you enjoyed this episode and want to dive in deeper, consider joining the next cohort of Rebecca’s Supporting Your Relational Self 6-week-online-course. We untangle core issues that affect us all in relationships, cultivate sustaining practices, and weave in relational skills to expand your Self care. Learn more at connectfulness.com/offerings

This podcast is not a substitute for counseling with a licensed provider. 

Mentioned in this episode:

WDMP Integrating Heart+Mind

WDMP Integrating Heart+Mind