That's my Mom! She's the guardian of the dying.  She walks with them as they leave this world and enter the next.  Being a Hospice nurse is a calling and it's a calling Debi Massey discovered much later in life. It was a second birth into a practice of healing, care, and respite that nurtured more than just her patients.  They healed her.  My mom values the human story like no one I know. This episode shows you how.

Debi Massey is my mom.  But that's just the start. We share sacred passions...the power of stories.

She is a rebuilder of her life, faith, and relationships. She is a guide. She is a giver.
She is also an author.  From her work and healing as a Hospice nurse, she told their stories from the perspective of her receiving them.  She entered into their stories at their most critical hour.  Her book, They Healed Me: Stories, Conversations, and Connections At The End of Life, is a legacy of them and how she grew and healed because of it.

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