Sex Worker Rights, Contemplative Prayer, Enneagram 6 Wing 5 bonding, and much more!  Brie Richards is going to motivate you to step into your uniqueness and rise to justice.  Brie Richards is the Director of Operations for The Cupcake Girls, a non-profit that provides confidential support to those involved in the sex industry, as well as
trauma-informed outreach, intensive case management, holistic resources, and referral services to provide prevention, and aftercare to those affected by sex trafficking.  YOU CAN NOT MISS THIS EPISODE!

Brie Richards Bio:
Brie grew up in the small mountain town of McCall, Idaho, and has since lived in Portland, Oregon for almost ten years (minus a small 3-year hiatus in Durham, North Carolina)! She is passionate about working for mission-driven organizations, and has over ten years of nonprofit/higher education experience, specifically in organizational development and operations.

As an enneagram 6 wing 5, Brie is dependable, intrinsically-motivated, a life-long learner, and deeply committed to her own equity journey that centers intersectionality and works to disrupt white supremacy culture in all of its insidious forms. Brie is married to a Baptist pastor (not the angry kind!) and has a beautiful two-year-old daughter named Esther. The three of them love to hike and just be together.

Connect with Brie and her passions:
IG handle - @brierichards
The Cupcake Girls. You can also follow them on IG @cupcakegirlsorg
Grant Park Church in Portland, OR. An open & affirming congregation.
Her biz website is coming soon and will be updated here as soon as it's launched!