• I am a trained chef. I did go to culinary school, and I've worked at restaurants and worked as a private chef, but for the last 11 years, I've been creating content on my Baker Bettie website as an educational baking content creator. I started Baker Bettie as a food blog back in 2011. You know, I had never baked anything until I was out of the house.  I was 19 years old, and I had never made anything, not even from a box mix until I was that old, so that is when I really started getting interested in baking. (3:25)

• I think I really started connecting with the FACS (FCS) community at the start of the pandemic. I have an online baking school as well, called The Baker Bettie baking school, where I have a bunch of virtual classes, and one of my courses is a free baking fundamentals class and it became a resource that a lot of people were using during that transition time. (6:37)

•I make bread literally multiple times a week, and it still feels like a magical process to me, but I love that you did that with them because I think understanding exactly what's happening and why we are doing things is such an important part of the building, making confidence because I don't know, I've just never been somebody that likes to be told what to do and then just accept it, like, Okay, we're just gonna do it. I wanna know why, why are we doing it this way? What is the purpose? And I think that really just helps you understand it better and feel more confident and be able to explore more in the kitchen  (12:17 )

• I have always had a very Math and Science brain, that's always been the topics that were really interesting to me, and so the way he explained baking as a science really drew me in, I got very interested in that, and then I really started with cookies, I wanted what I thought was the perfect chocolate chip cookie in my head, and I could not find a recipe that created what I wanted it to be. And so I decided to start figuring out how I could make it the way I wanted it to be  (15:02)

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•Email: [email protected]                                                                                                                                                                                                                       •LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristin-baker-bettie-hoffman-50037274/
•Website: https://bakerbettie.com/                                                                                                                                                                                                               •TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bakerbettie                                                                                                                                                                                 •YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/bakerbettie


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