•  Traditionally, there hasn't been a lot of support for those current in-classroom FCS teachers other than what their state administrator provides, and so each state has some sort of state administrator employed by the entity of which overseas career in technical education, or at least somebody that kinda vaguely oversees multiple areas, and so I think they've provided a lot of different support pieces, so the grant has definitely provided more opportunities and more resources for the in-classroom teacher to really grow and be a retained right now. (7:43)

• we have really provided some guidance towards the grant with really making sure that the curriculum, whether it comes through an outside vendor, comes through teachers, comes from teacher educators or students that come through a family consumer science education program means a high-quality stamp on us so that way, we're turning out curriculum and which can be used that are tied to the National Family and Consumer Science Standard. So on the website, FCSed.net, under the support menu, there is the curriculum library but you could also see the evaluation rubric and which was developed to make sure that we are ensuring that the curriculum that is out there that I vetted is really validated, not only by educators but through some of the other networks that we provide through business and industry, really meet that high-quality CTE framework that's put out by act to make sure that our program has support. (11:00) 

•  What advice do you have for current FCS educators, because we've talked about the future, but how about for that current piece? Well, I think that it's really important to take advantage of all the resources that are available to people now and that there are so many resources on the National Partnership that people can use, and we really, at this point, are trying to make sure that we educate people to all the resources and opportunities are there on the national partnership.  One of the things that we found when we started the National Partnership was that we were doing national leadership conferences and summits, but really needed to get that material down to the grassroots, so we developed state action teams to develop their own plans in their own regions for recruiting, preparing and supporting FCS educators. Presently, there's over 350 members of state action teams across the United States and also in Puerto Rico.  (15:43)

• Current teachers are the best recruiters, they see their students, and there are lots of opportunities to say, You know that what? I think you have what it takes to be a great future FCS educator... Encourage them to look at FCS as a possible career. And of course, we also have new marketing resources that just came out, a playbook about really marketing your program. We have 30 seconds radio spot,  and a three-minute PSA video. There are those things also, but I once heard someone say that the day you take your job, you should be looking for your replacement, and so we really have to be looking as we look at that pipeline that's getting smaller, that we all do our part to encourage people to look at FCS. (19:51)

•Email: https://www.fcsed.net/contact-us
•Website: https://www.fcsed.net/about/about-national-partnership


•Email: [email protected] 

•Website:  https://www.gpidea.org/program/family-consumer-sciences-education


•Email: [email protected] 


• FCS Podcast: https://fcspodcast.com
• FCS Tips: https://www.fcstips.com
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FEBRUARY 23rd, 2022

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