Next Episode: 4-BIG Goals


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• I know you're watching the news, your phones for any new possible updates thinking This is unbelievable, because it is… But I know, if you're anything like me, you're wanting to be as helpful as possible. You're sharing resources to your community pages, and remaining in contact with your students, families, trying to keep your students focused and engaged while wondering how long will this last.   (2:56)

• Many of our schools have organized grab-and-go meal kits for students and childcare opportunities for families, for first responders in Washington State. That is a high priority if not the number one, as an educator, we must carefully think about our responsibilities, and prioritize the well-being of our students.  (4:29)

• So right now, where I sit, it has been amazing to watch all of us come together for the betterment of our learners. The amount of resources, I've been seeing up on the Facebook page, and through all the various sources of social media and online. It's been absolutely amazing as we are putting aside political differences for the sake of humanity that is an amazing feat. And I couldn't be more proud to call each and every one of you colleagues, peers, and friends.  (5:19)

• We can channel this energy towards seeing this as an opportunity to create equitable and engaging learning spaces as we venture into uncharted territory, teaching and learning from home. What a classroom teacher does, the magic that you perform in the classroom with anywhere from 20 to 35 students at a time, from that face-to-face interaction to a computer screen, that is not easy. In fact, it will be incredibly difficult to imagine.  (6:34)

• I know, all of us are anxious at the moment, but let's give each other some room to learn and to grow in this new season that is COVID-19. Let us commit to becoming better through this and not more divided and critical. So FaceTime your friends, enjoy a quarentini, wash your hands, and stay healthy   (8:03)



May 03, 2020


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