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• It was amazing. So, even though Senior FEST had nothing to do with me, just being there and being part of something greater than myself was truly inspirational. So over the last, in the past two years in my school, I have created some amazing relationships. I have met incredible students who have shared their hopes, their dreams and fears of their future. (4:00)

• Determination, grit and perseverance throughout this entire COVID 19 experience, the youth, the future, have risen up demonstrating their character, their integrity and their voice. (4:53)

•  My superintendent, she was walking around the building, throughout the parade and everything, waving and cheering and celebrating with everybody, and she walked by and she talked with every single staff member, just for a few minutes, but that few minutes was bold for me, and I know not just me, It touched everybody. (5:35)

• What are you going to do if you are in that remote learning situation, like I am in the Fall? Possibility going into the fall. How are you going to pick up and change your lessons? How are you going to connect with your students? What are you going to do that is going to make a difference for them, in a online learning platform? (8:58)

• So today, as I am processing how my entire day went, I've been sitting here at my dining room table, just writing and writing and writing, trying to capture the picture of what this day has been, not to create a picture for you, but try to snapshot this day into my memory. And I hope that you are moving forward, if you're still in school, you are a part of these parades, and celebrations, and joy. Because this COVID 19 experience has not been a joy, it's not been a walk in a park, but it can be. And that is what I'm excited about, I am excited about the future of where education is going. So thank you for listening to my ramblings and my musings and my thoughts, and I how I'm processing all of this. (9:44)



June 10, 2020

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