In this episode of A Little Impolite, Deevo talks with Self Worth Sam about unmasking the imposter within and confronting self-doubt, confidence, and the contradictions that come with it.

Sam shares his personal journey of discovering his own self-worth and offers practical tips for listeners to overcome imposter syndrome and build their confidence. They discuss the importance of identifying and challenging negative self-talk, setting realistic goals, and reframing failures as learning opportunities. Sam also emphasizes the value of seeking out support and building a community of like-minded individuals who can offer encouragement and accountability. Together, Deevo and Sam explore the complexities of self-worth and how we can navigate them to live more fulfilling lives.

We hope that our conversation with Self-Worth Sam has inspired you to take a closer look at your own self-doubt and to embrace your unique strengths and talents. Remember that you are worthy and capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.

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Thanks for listening, and until next time, keep exploring, keep questioning, and stay a little impolite.


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