For The Claim Of The Life

Do ye know (a)bout the Cest tu Que Vie?
It’s a law that says ye dead…
Or lost at sea.
We lost control to pirates,
Of our common law lands,
To maritime (ad)miralty.
So when ye stand up in court,
And shout ye name out forth,
It’s not an (ad)visable place to be..
You’ve just docked your vessel,
In a dock in foreign territory.
It’s a trick..
It’s a trap,
It’s a total fraud.
(Ig)nore their letters,
Don’t walk through those doors.
Get off their ships,
Get out of the seas,
Vacate their river banks,
And fake currencies.
I spell ye some great (ad)vice,
Stand up for ye rites,
By learning to read & write,
For the claim of the CLAIM-OF-LIFE.