In this episode to dig deep into what it takes for a company to be successful with their sales and marketing campaigns. Guest Wes Schaeffer takes us through what Infusionsoft is and how it can automate dozens of tasks at once saving you hours per day; hours that you can spend driving sales.

We ask Wes what he believes are the number one jobs of the three crucial members of any sales team: the business owner, the sales manager and the salesperson. You may be surprised by his answers.

We also take a look at split testing in marketing and asses why is it so critical to successful advertising campaigns. We ask why business owners need to step back from inside their business to break down their sales and marketing funnels. Finally, this episode examines why managers are often left unprepared when their top sales talent leaves.


Topics Discussed:

What is Infusionsoft? – 1:20

How Can Infusionsoft Transform your Sales and Marketing Efforts? – 4:19

Why It’s Important to Take a Step Back and Review All Sales and Marketing Processes – 14:58

What is the Number One Job of a Business Owner? – 22:10

Why Sales Actually Drive Marketing – 27:18

Why Successful Marketing is All About Experimentation and Testing – 33:30

How to Split Test Your Marketing: Start Wide and Then Continuously Refine – 34:51

What is the Number One Job of a Sales Manager? – 39:58

The 7 Deadly Sins of Selling: Why the Truth is So Important – 46:50