Lindon Crow from the Productive Learning Company shares his stories from the business world, and demonstrates how feedback and constructive criticism within teams is critical for developing a person’s EQ (emotional intelligence).

We talk about how to catch yourself in reactionary behaviors you may not realize you are projecting onto colleagues, how to develop a conscious leadership circle and Lindon takes us through the three time frames of emotional intelligence.

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Topics Discussed:

What is Emotional Intelligence? 4:12

The Importance of Feedback Meetings - 10:06

Feedback is a Two-Way Street - 17:20

Should You Ever Debate Somebody’s Feelings? - 23:24

The Three Timeframes of Emotional Intelligence - 25.54

How to Catch Reactionary Behaviours and Become Emotionally Aware - 28:43

Lindon’s Influences and Inspirations - 36:20

How to Develop a Good Relationship with Feedback - 41.56

Creating an Environment Conducive to Constructive Criticism - 46.34

Wrap-Up 51.31