It's a curious question - which comes first for career success, competence or confidence? In today's show Natalie Benamou shares top tips which are so easy to put into practice to boost your career confidence.

Natalie is Division Vice President at Exhibitus. She is also a speaker on confidence and hosts a podcast, Rock Your Trade Show.

Natalie has a passion for energising women to be empowered. Her personal approach to life is summed up in this quote from Maya Angelou: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Mentioned on the show and other useful links Natalie on LinkedIn Natalie's Rock Your Trade Show website What She Said collection of powerful quotes by women Chalene Johnson's Courageous Confidence Club Amy Cuddy's talk on body language

GUEST: Natalie Benamou
HOST: Sherry Bevan, Founder of The Confident Mother

Ask your questions or share your feedback Comment on the show notes Tweet me @SherryRB using #ConfidentConversations Get in touch with me directly here Subscribe, rate and review in iTunes <> For more Confident Conversations connect with me On Twitter @SherryRB Like The Confident Mother Facebook page Sign up to The Confidence Guide produced weekly packed with tips and ideas on career, confidence and leadership

It's a curious question - which comes first for career success, competence or confidence? In today's show Natalie Benamou shares top tips which are so easy to put into practice to boost your career confidence.

Natalie is Division Vice President at Exhibitus. She is also a speaker on confidence and hosts a podcast, Rock Your Trade Show.

Natalie has a passion for energising women to be empowered. Her personal approach to life is summed up in this quote from Maya Angelou: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Mentioned on the show and other useful links Natalie on LinkedIn Natalie's Rock Your Trade Show website What She Said collection of powerful quotes by women Chalene Johnson's Courageous Confidence Club Amy Cuddy's talk on body language

GUEST: Natalie Benamou HOST: Sherry Bevan, Founder of The Confident Mother

Ask your questions or share your feedback Comment on the show notes Tweet me @SherryRB using #ConfidentConversations Get in touch with me directly here Subscribe, rate and review in iTunes For more Confident Conversations connect with me On Twitter @SherryRB Like The Confident Mother Facebook page Sign up to The Confidence Guide produced weekly packed with tips and ideas on career, confidence and leadership

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