Discover the 3 key things you need to think about to attract the right people and the right opportunities to your LinkedIn profile. 

First you have to get the basics right in your profile. The show starts with a brief overview of the 7 essentials (explored in more detail in episode 013) i.e. your photo, your headline, your summary, your experience, recommendations, groups and connections.

Once you have created a powerful LinkedIn profile, you need to focus on 3 key things:

Strategy Consistency Authenticity

Discover what you need to consider to create an effective strategy, what is important about consistency in terms of brand and showing up, and finally how authenticity doesn't give you licence to share everything. Authencity is raising your awareness and being more mindful that what you share says something about you. 

Mentioned on the show and other useful links Networking with confidence, episode 017 with Heather White Read about the 7 essentials for your LinkedIn profile in my blog post Listen to episode 13 on the essentials for your LinkedIn profile Find out more about Sherry's new LinkedIn Confidence online course

HOST: Sherry Bevan, Founder of The Confident Mother

Ask your questions or share your feedback Comment on the show notes Tweet me @SherryRB using #ConfidentConversations Get in touch with me directly here Subscribe, rate and review in iTunes <> For more Confident Conversations connect with me On Twitter @SherryRB Connect on LinkedIn remembering to include a personal note Join the discussions in The Confident Mother Facebook group Sign up to The Confidence Guide produced weekly packed with tips and ideas on career, confidence and leadership

Discover the 3 key things you need to think about to attract the right people and the right opportunities to your LinkedIn profile. 

First you have to get the basics right in your profile. The show starts with a brief overview of the 7 essentials (explored in more detail in episode 013) i.e. your photo, your headline, your summary, your experience, recommendations, groups and connections.

Once you have created a powerful LinkedIn profile, you need to focus on 3 key things:

Strategy Consistency Authenticity

Discover what you need to consider to create an effective strategy, what is important about consistency in terms of brand and showing up, and finally how authenticity doesn't give you licence to share everything. Authencity is raising your awareness and being more mindful that what you share says something about you. 

Mentioned on the show and other useful links Networking with confidence, episode 017 with Heather White Read about the 7 essentials for your LinkedIn profile in my blog post Listen to episode 13 on the essentials for your LinkedIn profile Find out more about Sherry's new LinkedIn Confidence online course

HOST: Sherry Bevan, Founder of The Confident Mother

Ask your questions or share your feedback Comment on the show notes Tweet me @SherryRB using #ConfidentConversations Get in touch with me directly here Subscribe, rate and review in iTunes For more Confident Conversations connect with me On Twitter @SherryRB Connect on LinkedIn remembering to include a personal note Join the discussions in The Confident Mother Facebook group Sign up to The Confidence Guide produced weekly packed with tips and ideas on career, confidence and leadership

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