Do you have a dream, goal, or project you want to work on, but are afraid to tell people what you are up to?  Are you getting stopped by fear, or the thoughts of what others might think of you if they found out what you were pursing? In this episode Chelsea talks about her experience of overcoming fear of what people MIGHT think, and owning her goals! 

When we don't own our goals or dreams in spite of what others MIGHT say or think, we may start to lose confidence in ourselves, our worth, and not take action toward what we really want to do.  It can be easier said than done, but as you start owning what you want within yourself, and being proud of that, you can start owning it outwardly as well.

Chelsea Bench is not a licensed therapist, and doesn’t claim to be.  She is just sharing her experiences and advice from what she has learned from her life.  Any action you take from listening to this podcast is solely your responsibility.

Chelsea Bench, Confidence in Business, guests on podcast, or people or companies they work with in any way are not responsible for any gains or losses you may encounter.  All action you take is solely your responsibility.