It works if you work it! The negative What If’s will be the death of your success. “What if I fail? What if it doesn’t work? What if I suck it?”
I believe our words are VERY powerful so let’s rephrase our What If’s. What if you said “What if this works? What if I succeed? What if this is exactly what I need in my life? What if I said YES to me for once?” 
The answer is YES it works if you work it. ANY program works if you work it. If you DO the work and STOP giving up on yourself, it WILL work! Ask anyone who has stuck with a coach or program. 🙌🏼
Look beyond your excuses. Look past the negative self talk. Some women get hung up on time and money but let me ask you this... What is it costing you NOT to invest in yourself? How will you feel 6 months from now if you don’t start today? What will your life look like if things don’t change? 
For me, it was costing me my sanity, my health, my family’s health, my money, and my happiness. I felt like absolute shit mentally and physically before I joined! I would buy quick fixes or numb out the pain. I took the chance and invested in myself in a POSITIVE way. Now I’m the happiest & healthiness I have ever been! Why wouldn’t YOU want to feel this way too?
This weekend the BADASSES are getting together for coffee in the park. I’m so glad I decided to create this group! We have deep meaningful conversations, love, support and hold each other accountable to our big scary dreams. It’s amazing what you can do with a group of women supporting you that actually give a damn about your success!! I whole heartedly love these ladies! 
Interested in joining yet? Click the link in my bio and fill out the application. What’s the worst that could happen? You actually get what you really want?



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