In this episode, I share how powerful our old stories are. I had convinced myself that I didn't deserve a good life or good relationships but the truth is I did deserve a good relationship. I did deserve a good marriage. I did deserve to have a great life full of people that love me and want good things for me. I had convinced myself for far too long that I was undeserving, and I was ready to change that. I was ready to take charge of my life and start really going after the things I wanted.

Once I let go of the old stories that were programmed deep within me, I was able to clear the blocks of living a good life and really allow things to unfold for me. I started to work on me so that I could be a better girlfriend, then fiancé, then wife and now mother. I had to do the deep inner work and face those demons so that I could be free from those stories. I become the leader of my change rather than the victim of my circumstance. You can too.


Now accepting applications into the Mastery Program.  If you are ready to be the leader of your change, apply now. If you qualify, you will get on the phone with me or one of my team members to see if this program is a good fit for you. 


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