Today I'm talking with Jeana Hamman, a 22 year old college student who works two jobs and runs a Health and Wellness business.   She has a Bachelors of Science degree in Kinesiology and Human Performance and is starting classes to become a physical therapist assistant. She fell in love with PT when she was young and had to go through corrective surgeries on both knees.   When Jeana was 10, her father passed away in a tractor accident and this left her whole family struggling in many different areas. Personally, she struggled with anxiety, depression, attachment issues, major attention deficit disorder, and as she got older, really struggled with IBS. From her personal experience, she learned how to be there for others and was a support system for many people struggling to deal with the same/similar issues.   While pursuing her bachelors degree, Jeana's grandpa was diagnosed with an aggressive form of lung cancer which took another major toll on her family. So in an attempt to help in every way she could, she put herself, her education, and her relationships on the back burner and tried to pour her whole self into supporting others. This led to a lot of depression, anxiety, and self sabotage. She was really questioning if she was on the right path in life and what she needed to do to get back to being herself.   At the time, she was in a lifting class and following a few people on social media that really poured into themselves and their own health and they were happy. They seemed to be able to take on life and just enjoy where they were, even when they were going through a hard season. So after a lot of conversations with supportive and blunt friends and her boyfriend; she realized she needed to do something for herself and get her shit together.   So she invested in a health and fitness program that she could do in her dorm or at home, and that helped tremendously, until she gave up on that too. After some time, she decided to get back into working out and trying to find herself but she was so afraid of everything and had so much self doubt it was ridiculous. So she invested in a life coach and that made an even bigger difference. She was being shown how to work past barriers and push past the resistance that she was forcing onto herself.   From both of these experiences, Jeana found her way to Personal Development and Self care. She found support in areas of her life that she didn't know she needed support in. She found a voice of self love and confidence that she did not recognize because she had ignored it for so long.   Through this whole process, she fell in love with the idea of being that support for someone else and being able to provide resources to other people. She has always known that she wanted to be able to help people with their health and wellness but she had always said just with PT.   Now with this health and wellness business, she is able to be there to help people grow into the best version of themselves! She has become a huge advocate in that anything is possible if you are willing to take care of your health, pour into yourself and have a positive mindset and although it sounds simple, it is hard to create change so having someone there to show you support and love makes all the difference. 

If anyone would like to learn more about Jeana's health and wellness community, she can be found on Instagram: @jeanahamman and Facebook: Jeana Hamman where she is always posting and providing sample moves for workouts, types of personal development, and random inspirational things.    To register, visit and fill out the Fit Fam Mastery

I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did!