One of the things that I’ve come to understand over this last decade is that people are scared sh*tless .... of everything. People are terrified, and I really can’t wrap my head around it. As a mentor I am always trying to connect the dots for my clients to help them figure out why they are scared of doing certain things. I help them to figure out their limited beliefs and the thoughts they have that are holding them back from doing what they want to do.   I find that I’m unique in this sense. When I feel fear or sense it in others, I get curious. I want to figure out what’s really behind it. 
Here are some fears that I hear a lot: not having enough time on this Earth, losing a loved one, losing money, and worrying about what other people think. Perhaps the biggest fear I hear is the fear of failure, and to that I just have to say that if you’re not failing every now and then you’re not truly living! 
Life is meant to be experienced. It is meant to be lived. It is not meant to be the same sh*t over and over and over and over again. That’s when you get bored and complacent. That’s when you lose your passion, your fire, your spark inside of you that craves change and adventure.    Think about it. What do you want in your life? And what do you need to do in order to get it? What fears do you need to overcome to get there? Who can you ask for support?   Don’t be scared. Take some chances. Life is worth living. What’s the worst that could happen?

**If you're looking for support in your life, business, or spirituality then look no further! Applications for one-on-one coaching are OPEN from now until the end of September 2020. Head over to to see if you're a great fit for my style of coaching. I can't wait to connect with you!**

**For more information on personal and professional development, my team and I have created a master list of all of the resources that I’ve discussed on my podcast and blog. Head over to for our full list!**