This week on the podcast I chatted with Megan Whiteside - trial lawyer and host of the Mom Life and Law Podcast - and we dived into managing a law career with family life and personal goals and passions.

We talked all about how the Motherhood penalty is very real in the legal profession (and corporate America in general), and how Megan was able to embrace being a working mom as a superpower which transformed her into feeling worthy and empowered in her profession.

She now helps other lawyer moms take the journey she did toward feeling powerful and in charge of their careers and lives.


We also chatted about:

02:06 Getting to know Megan

03:11 How her podcast resonates with all working moms  

04:13   What advice she can give to moms esp. in this time of Pandemic

09:39   How she navigated into male-dominated industry

13:31   How she motivated herself to speak out

18:43   What’s the most important internal work she had to do

23:19   The process of letting go of societal expectations

27:12   What’s her favorite part of her work in helping moms

28:31   What advice to moms in getting side-hustles 

32:22   Other advices she can give

34:10   What’s her non-negotiable practice every day

35:25   Who are her favorite podcasters and authors

36:23   What is she currently working on

37:37   Her social media accounts that we can connect


Bringing women together especially working moms in figuring out their passion is her mission while enjoying her family time.




“I want working moms to know that they don’t have to do it all and that doing it all “perfectly” is not the measure of being a good mom, it’s not a measure of being a good career woman.”


“It’s really important for us to support one another”


“If I can be one small voice to encourage other women lawyers to speak out about these issues, to work within each of their workplaces, to change this narrative to women...if I‘m confident to speak, I should do it!”


“No one’s life is perfect and it’s not a destination that you reached but every decision that I’ve made in 2020 and 2021 have gotten me closer to that joyful life...”


“I wanna be an example of my core values of living in my strengths so my boys can see that example”


“I can be a great mom and a great lawyer”


“My measure on my worth as a person and a mom is not defined by how much time I spent with my children.”


“If I can help fortify, encourage, support, motivate other lawyer moms to be happy and be the best version of themselves, I believe they're gonna pay it forward, that's something they can help others...”