Do you want to learn how to invest in yourself as a busy mom? Whether it is investing in a new program, course, training, or investing in your self-development  - This episode will dive into strategies and tactics for taking those first steps toward pursuing the goals that really matter to you!

In this episode I'm chatting with Lani Jackson, who is a Clarity and Strategy Coach for Mom Entrepreneurs!

Lani is a mom to 6 kids, and wife to her husband of 15 years. She survives on caffeine, laughing with her kids, cooking in the kitchen, hiding in the pantry eating chocolate, and helping other women know they are not alone in the chaos of motherhood & their entrepreneur journey.

We talked all about what it means to invest in yourself, the biggest struggles moms face when it comes to pursuing their goals, how mindset is key to taking those steps toward investing in yourself, and how Lani helps moms double their income without doubling their to-do list!

Lani's mission is to help mompreneurs get out of survival mode, release the mom guilt, and create a clear plan of action that will help them reach their dreams of 5k months and more!

Join us to listen to this life-giving conversation that I had with Lani!

If you're ready to learn how you can start working on your goals as a busy mom, Join the 3-Day Challenge to minimize overwhelm and maximize time that Lani is hosting in her Facebook Group Brilliant Mompreneurs beginning on March 23rd.

Sign-up for the challenge here.


Follow along with Lani as she helps moms like you pursue their goals without adding more to their to-do lists!

Facebook Group: Brilliant Mompreneurs Society

Instagram: Lani Jackson

Website: Lani Jackson

Freebie: Ditch the Never-Ending To-Do List and Take Back 10+ Hours in Your Week


Join The Working Mom Collective Business Launchpad Course Waitlist!

Who is this course for? Moms who are looking for an actionable plan to build their online business, whether you want to build a side hustle, an online biz to replace your day job, or you’re a mom who is currently not working but wants to have a plan to build an online business that is straightforward and will take you from idea to action plan.

This will be a very low-cost mini-course for all the moms out there wanting to do something more, that have a bigger dream in their heart.

Join the Waitlist and find out more details here: