Previous Episode: ANGELA WHITE

In this episode, host Celeste Rains-Turk, sits down with Sarah Law who began her competing journey in August 2018 after being challenged by a friend to compete. As soon as she began she was hooked and has loved every second. Sarah spent her 20's as a pro Dancer working in musical theater and has always loved to challenge herself.

She has been part of Team Elite Physique under the guidance of Adam Bonilla since April 2019 - after being in the overall finals 3 times this year Sarah gained her pro card in Portugal in July as a 38yr old competitor in the open bikini category because in Europe they don't offer pro cards for masters. She is so excited about the future as a pro and her purpose is to inspire others to believe anything is possible if you commit, believe and go all in with your heart.

Tune in to hear us chat about her journey to the pro stage and how she learned her pro routine in less than 24 hours. She tells us about her vision boards, journaling, daily mindset routines, and actions she took that she believes helped her to achieve the ultimate. She literally gives away all her mindset tricks. She shares what kind of training she does and why she believes there should be no deprivation in achieving fitness goals. Sarah talks to us about her own philosophies and how to find something sustainable and enjoyable. 

Sarah opens up about her past with Orthorexia and how it impacted her life and her family. She explains how fitness and bodybuilding really saved her life and has allowed her to have a better relationship with food. And all things mindset and skincare!

Sarah gives us an inside look at exactly what kind of products are best for our skin and scalp health. She gives us the list of ingredients to avoid, the ones to buy, and how she has been able to bring life back to her skin. Sarah tells us about the science behind these decisions as well. 

To connect with Sarah: 


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