In this episode, host Celeste Rains-Turk speaks with an IFBB Pro, personal trainer, and Belgium bombshell Elodie Puraye. Often known for her motivating personality in the industry, Elodie is the embodiment of finding a balanced and peaceful competing mindset. From starting her morning with 15-minute stretches, journaling, self-care, and accepting imperfections, Elodie hopes to inspire other competitors to find sustainability in the bodybuilding industry.
Elodie begins by discussing the importance of mental conditioning with meditation and relaxing prior to hitting the stage. Elodie shares her dreams of being an Olympia champion and how she is using her off-season to listen to judge’s feedback to bring her best package yet! Celeste and Elodie discuss how having a coach who prioritizes the competitor’s health can help competitors execute goals and provide reassurance.
Elodie provides details of her history with anorexia and bulimia and how she has found food freedom in her life. She believes finding faith in herself, leaving a toxic relationship, and weight lifting saved her from a destructive pattern of disordered eating. Celeste and Elodie agree how loving the off-season body creates an even sweeter result. Elodie tells viewers to “take the jump without a safety net” in their career and relationship if something does not feel aligned with a goal.
Elodie explains how she is more focused on sustainability in the sport and praises her health on holistically based coaching. She emphasizes on finding grace on being imperfect, being flexible, and avoiding cookie-cutter meal plans for an overall healthy well-being. Elodie believes that finding foods to enjoy in the off-season and on prep can be game changing to overall wellness.
Celeste and Elodie discuss the psychology of being conscious in the moment. Elodie tells Celeste how she takes at least 40 minutes in the morning to tune into her own thoughts by showering, journaling, and turning off social media. Celeste explains how this can help set the day up for success instead of being reactive to negative emotions.
Finally, Elodie gives her advice to women who wish to unlock their own personal potential. She emphasizes that “leaner is not always the answer” and taking time off is the shortcut to success.
Tune in to be inspired by Elodie’s journey of self-empowerment!

Connect with Elodie Here:

Connect with Celeste Here:
Time Stamps:
[1:35] Elodie’s stage ritual
[ 2:41] Elodie’s Olympia dreams/importance of taking an off-season
[4:55] Having a coach versus self-prepping
[6:41] Elodies previous food struggles/disordered eating
[9:43] Relationship with food in the off-season
[12:04] Being happy with weight gain/loving the off-season body
[13:40] Holistic coaching approach
[17:04] Differences of coaching with bikini prep versus lifestyle
[19:26] Tips on strengthening your mind/body mindset
[22:31] Elodie’s daily body affirmations
[24:26] Women empowerment/Breaking up a bad relationship
[33:28] Elodie’s journey to the sport of bodybuilding/Olympia dream
[35:38] How to open up your intrinsic potential
[36:38] Elodie’s off-season timeline/when will she step on stage again?
[38:27] Favorite shoulder/glute/hamstring exercises
[40:12 ] Best advice to new competitors & amateurs on the road to pro