In this exclusive feature for coach's week, host Celeste Rains-Turk has a deep discussion with Ryan Hinton, founder and head coach of Team Legacy who began coaching in 2015, and has made over 37 competitors in bikini, men's physique, figure and women’s physique IFBB Pros since then. He has a 5 year old son, was a collegiate track athlete and earned his pro card in Men’s Physique in 2014 when he won the overall at USAs and has stepped on the Olympia Stage two times.

Tune in to hear Ryan get serious about the coaching world and the comradery with other coaches. We talk about the bash vs uplift mentality in the industry and where it comes from. Opening up the door for discussion on self-awareness, personal responsibility, and developing happiness within first.

He shares how he has simplified his life and believes champions will do the same. He opens up about what it is like to work with athletes for an extended time period and the process he goes through before working with them to make sure everything is perfect. He even tells us the questions people ask him that reveal to him if they will be a great fit or not as a client.

Ryan also tells us about why he chooses to give the majority of his client meal plans instead of macros, how he views this sport as not worth losing your life over, and why he takes a fresh approach to every athlete with no 'right' or 'wrong' way.

During this episode we get into lots of personal development insights, personal respect and responsibility, business, and of course all the coach's week questions

Connect with Ryan here: