Previous Episode: TINA DENOFF
Next Episode: EMILY PLAJER

In this episode, Celeste speaks with Aimee Velasquez, the 2020 Ms Bikini USA who earned her pro card at her 4th show in only her first year of competing, who overcame various mental health struggles with depression, ADHD, and mood changes amidst troubling times in her life and is also a proud mother to her toddler. 

Celeste starts off the episode by asking Aimee if she has a routine or ritual that she performs before her heel hits the stage. While staying on the subject of competing, Celeste asks Aimee about how she was feeling going in to USAs. Celeste touches on the fact that Aimee competed in front of the same panel of judges at each of her shows this year, and asks Aimee to explain the reasoning behind that strategy. Aimee then recounts her experiences at Universe, her first national show, and shares all that went wrong leading up to prejudging and also addresses what she changed going into USAs. 

After hearing how the results at Universe were far from expected, Celeste mentions the evolution of Aimee’s posing between Universe and USAs, asking her what strategies she used to perfect her routine. Celeste also mentions the confidence Aimee presented on stage and asks at what point in her journey Aimee felt she started to embody a “pro mentality.” Aimee walks listeners through her experiences and growth throughout the quarantine, finding her coach, Jourdanne, and also the emotions running through her when she received both her pro card and overall award from her coach. 

After discussing the events leading up to winning her pro card, Celeste talks with Aimee about how her goals and mindset have evolved since she rose through the ranks so quickly.  Aimee shares the growth she’s seen in herself, mentioning that she is now considering the idea of getting into coaching, something she originally hadn’t pictured herself doing. 

Acknowledging the fact that Aimee has overcome much self doubt, Celeste asks Aimee to share three tips for women that are experiencing the same emotions and limiting beliefs. Next, Celeste asks Aimee to share what typical day looks like both during prep and during her improvement season. Aimee shares a typical “day in the life,” then discusses the different phases she has experienced along her fitness journey both before and after pregnancy and how her priorities changed once she committed specifically to bodybuilding.

Next, Aimee discusses how her boyfriends business took off and started to have success around the time she really dove into bodybuilding. She mentions that she had to make the difficult decision to put a hold on her schooling and give up working full time to fully dedicate herself to her goals as a bikini athlete and to her daughter. 

Celeste asks, despite the difficult decision, what it felt like to relinquish all financial responsibility to her boyfriend. Celeste also recognizes the strength and mental fortitude that both motherhood and bodybuilding require and asks Aimee if she sees any parallels between the two. Aimee shares the positive influence she feels that becoming a bikini competitor has had on her daughter and upon hearing this, Celeste asks how the other relationships in Aimee’s life have changed or evolved since adopting this new lifestyle and habits.

After hearing Aimee’s story Celeste acknowledges the changes that occurred in Aimee’s life since finding bodybuilding and she asks Aimee if, reflecting on her “old ways,” she recognizes the person she used to be. 

Celeste also recognizes Aimee’s ability to reflect on her past and be courageous enough to make the conscious decision to improve her situation, and asks about any red flags she looked for while searching for a new coach before finding Jourdanne. Aimee emphasizes how she values the importance of being able to openly and comfortably be able to ask her coach questions regarding her plan without being reprimanded in their response. 

Based off of the experiences shared, Celeste is curious to know what types of questions Aimee typically asks her coach to assure herself that she’s constantly learning as an athlete. After sharing her client-coach experiences thus far, Celeste asks Aimee about her current goals and what her game plan looks like for this year. To conclude the episode, Celeste asks Aimee if she has any other advice for both first time competitors and girls on their road to pro.





Episode Time Stamps:
[0:45] Celeste introduces Aimee.

[1:35] Aimee shares what she does before stepping on stage.

[2:45] Celeste asks Aimee how she felt going into USAs.

[4:20] Celeste asks Aimee what it was like getting in front of the same judging panel at each of her shows.

[6:00] Aimee talks about what went wrong at Universe and what improvements she made going into USAs.

[10:00] Celeste asks Aimee which athletes posing she studied and how that influenced Aimee’s view of herself & her routine.

[12:50] Celeste asks Aimee at what point she felt she embodied a pro 

[17:20] Aimee shares what it was like to have her coach, Jourdanne, present her award at USAs.

[19:10] Celeste asks Aimee what was going through her head when standing on stage waiting for the results of the overall.

[21:45] Celeste asks Aimee how her mindset and goals have evolved since she became pro so quickly.

[24:15] Aimee gives three pieces of advice to women who experience self doubt.

[26:50] Aimee shares what a normal day looks like in prep and during improvement season.

[29:45] Celeste asks Aimee how things changed when she recommitted to fitness with the focus on bodybuilding.

[33:05] Aimee talks about what it was like to relinquish financial responsibility and let her boyfriend become the soul provider. 

[36:20] Celeste asks Aimee if there are any parallels between her experiences as a mother and as an athlete.

[39:10] Aimee discusses how relationships changed once she adopted this new lifestyle.
[41:40] Celeste asks Aimee if, looking back at her old self, she seems unrecognizable when seeing where she is now.

[45:00] Aimee shares some coaching red flags that she took into consideration before finding & hiring Jourdanne as her coach. 

[50:50] Celeste asks Aimee what types of questions she asks her coach to assure herself that she is always learning.

[54:00] Aimee shares her current goals and game plan.

[56:20] Celeste asks Aimee her advice for first time competitors and girls on their road to pro.

[59:00] Aimee shares where listeners can connect with her on social media.