Dietmar Steiner studied architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. Until 1989 he held a teaching post in architecture history and theory at the Hochschule für angewandte Kunst in Vienna. Dietmar Steiner has been director of the Architekturzentrum Wien since 1993. In 2002 he curated the Austrian contribution to the Architecture Biennial in Venice in his capacity as Commissioner.

He is a member of the advisory committee for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award, the most significant European architecture award, as well as being president of ICAM – International Confederation of Architectural Museums – the umbrella organisation for architecture museums world-wide. In addition, Dietmar Steiner works as an architecture consultant on a number of juries and for a number of appraisals. His many years' editorial experience with the Italian journal 'domus' and many published articles on the topics of architecture and urban development are also among his activities.