Carole Schmit graduated at La Cambre architecture in Brussels in 1997 and received a Post-Graduate Master’s degree at the Berlage Institute in Amsterdam in 2000. She collaborated with Multiplicity Milan from 2000 – 2002 (project USE, Bordeaux 2000-2001 and Chinese connection, Australia 2001-2002) and with Maurice Nio Rotterdam from 2000 – 2002 (edition of book Unseen I slipped away published in 2004 by 010, Rotterdam). She co-founded in 2001 YEA Young European Architects and was president from 2001-2004. In 2002, Carole Schmit received in Dessau the International Bauhaus Award (3d price) for her research entitled ReKoGeB inBorderland. She was teaching as invited professor at La Cambre architecture Brussels and Saint-Luc Liège (2002-2004) and currently teaches at the University in Luxembourg (Formation Continue en Aménagement du Territoire). She currently collaborates with Bart Lootsma in setting up the Master program for architecture (March) at the University in Luxembourg (2007-…). Carole Schmit created Polaris Architects together with François Thiry as a collective (Rotterdam 2000-2001 and Brussels 2002-2004). In 2005 the office settled officially in Luxembourg. Carole Schmit is author of various exhibitions and articles in architecture and art magazines.