
Learning is all about relationships.  If this is the first time you’ve heard us say that then you are new around here. Welcome to our podcast! Today we take that mantra and apply it to Professional Development (PD) because, as educators, if we are not connecting with others we are missing out on an essential (THE essential?) component of professional growth.  Join us as we welcome - all the way from the land of Nebraska - Brent Dieckhoff who will share his journey to help teachers CONNECT, GROW, and SHARE what they learn.

Lessons Learned

Chris - Write it down!

I had a serendipitous conversation with one of our Middle School counselors yesterday in which she informed me of a wonderful gift she once gave to her daughter. She wrote down specific, significant moments in her daughter’s high school life that made her proud of her daughter. She gave her daughter the journal of proud moments as a graduation gift. Wow! What an idea! So, I started a journal for my own daughter, who is a sophomore. I know that she doesn’t listen to this show so I’m safe telling you, but don’t tell her!

Daniel - Using Panoramic mode to get the perfect vertical shot.

Dennis - The Queen owns all the swans in England.

Fun Fact

Do you “never forget a face”? Maybe you are among that special 1-2% of the population that are “super-recognizers”.  The average person can recognize about 20% of the faces they see.  A “super-recognizer” is that rare individual who can can remember 80% of the faces they see, even if they’ve only seen them once, years ago.  These people have been quite helpful, sometimes even more effective than facial recognition technology, in fighting crime.


Notes & Links

Brent Dieckhoff is a product of International Schools. He is now a teacher, professor with a passion for helping teachers learn to use technology in a meaningful way, but more importantly to connect and learn from each other.  He has come all the way from Seward, Nebraska to the little town of Shanghai to share his story.