VIDEO: Live Podcast + ACAMIS Demo Slam Description How YOU doin’? Nǐ hǎo? Estas bien?  Wie Gehts? We hope you are well. And we’re pretty sure if you’re here listening to us LIVE AT ACAMIS that you are well because you must already have the green code and the Covid test results to prove it.   […]

VIDEO: Live Podcast + ACAMIS Demo Slam

How YOU doin’? Nǐ hǎo? Estas bien?  Wie Gehts? We hope you are well. And we’re pretty sure if you’re here listening to us LIVE AT ACAMIS that you are well because you must already have the green code and the Covid test results to prove it.   As we continue our 9th year of talking about tech in education, we want to not just talk about using Tech Well, but also talk about BEING well as we use Tech.  Are you finding that healthy balance between tech and no tech, screens and no screens, online and offline? If not, then you came to the right place because … actually, we were going to ask YOU for ideas. So, I guess it’s the blind leading the blind…

Lessons Learned

Chris Nolan Ryan and Gaylord Perry

Dennis – Do not disturb mode on your iPhone.  We all need to unplug, but we also want that important call or message to get through.  Add exceptions to your Do Not Disturb.  Allow calls from a specific contact group or bypass DND for specific contacts.  ​​ (And coming in iOS 15:  Focus Mode!)

Notes & Links

STRESS is the major contributor to low teacher morale, and cited as the primary reason for teachers leaving the classroom.

How to build emotional supports for Teachers – Article from Edutopia


COMMUNITY – Focus on Building Relationships.  Provide regular space for teachers to step back and reflect – be a listening ear.

Focus more on TRUST, less on accountability.

“Accountability is something that is left when responsibility has been subtracted.” – Pasi Sahlberg (Finnish Lessons)

Provide regular space for teachers to step back and reflect – be a listening ear.

Set clear BOUNDARIES and let Teachers fill in the blanks – set expectations and allow for teacher choice on how those will be accomplished.  (Remember that whole trust thing?  Don’t Micromanage)

Change the goal posts and unhook – Episode 804 – We discussed this topic in depth:  Burnout – Secrets to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily and Amelia Nagoski.

Moving the Goalposts – Redefine winning – Today I am going to make someone smile and make a connection.  Redefine failing – Take your failure and learn from it.  One step closer to success.


For Tech Wellness?

Clearly define your electronic communication policy (to parents, your admin, etc.)  Never check your email on the weekend.  Use that Do Not Disturb feature.

Lean on others.  Lean on your community.  This community. One lesson we learned is that we can’t go through this alone.