Description  Worried about catching the Novel Corona Virus? Well, Christopher Walkin’s got a message for you. “Guess what? I got a feva’,  and the only prescription is more cowbell.” Walkin’s character knew instinctively how to apply what the academic community is  still struggling to implement: a Growth Mindset. Walkin knew that to make a good […]


Worried about catching the Novel Corona Virus? Well, Christopher Walkin’s got a message for you. “Guess what? I got a feva’,  and the only prescription is more cowbell.” Walkin’s character knew instinctively how to apply what the academic community is  still struggling to implement: a Growth Mindset. Walkin knew that to make a good song great takes many iterations; that we must not accept just good enough as we work our way to greatness. We, too, embrace learning as an iterative process as we ask, can we really be Growth Mindset oriented if we simply change what we say without also changing what we do? Recently released research reveals radical rethinking results in rapid remediation of Fixed Mindset practices.  

Lessons Learned 

Dennis –  Screencastify – full features now free for videos under 5 min. 

Daniel –  Reader View 

Chris – A app that removes all ambiguity and makes everything you say crystal clear … does not exist. Oh, how I want that app. 

Fun Fact 

Fun Fact:  Casablanca 

Casablanca was shot in sequential order for the sole reason that the script was not finished; often writer Howard Koch would deliver recently typed scenes the same day they would be shot. 


Notes & Links 

Articles for discussion: 

Debate Arises over Teaching “Growth Mindsets” to Motivate Students 

Austin’s Butterfly”