Description Do you live spur of the moment? …. by the seat of your pants? Take it as it comes? Well, turn off the radio, because today we are talking about living by design … the latest in Design Thinking by Ariel Raz. Lessons Learned Chris – Forgive. You need it, too. And not forgiving […]


Do you live spur of the moment? …. by the seat of your pants? Take it as it comes? Well, turn off the radio, because today we are talking about living by design … the latest in Design Thinking by Ariel Raz.

Lessons Learned

Chris – Forgive. You need it, too. And not forgiving someone is like eating poison hoping the other person dies.

Daniel –   Emotion is created by motion. Your feelings and judgments are heavily influenced by physiology. Whether you are feeling hopeless and victimized, or happy with a huge grin on your face, the physical “manifestation” is in a sense what caused it.

Dennis – & Thanks Michael Lambert.

Fun Fact

Were you ever in a situation in which you were sure that you knew all that you needed to know about the subject at hand, only to find out later that you just didn’t have a clue? Have you ever had a conversation with a person who was sure they were particularly knowledgeable about a subject when it was perfectly clear to you that they were not? Well, there is a name for that phenomenon, and it is not “treppenwitz.” When a person of low ability in a subject or skill fools themselves into thinking that they are particularly gifted or skilled, and are so deficient that they cannot even recognize that they are “lost in the woods” then they are experiencing the “Dunning-Kruger Effect.”

Now, Dennis and I came up with a succinct summation of the Dunning-Kruger Effect, even before we knew it had a formal name. It is when you think you know, but you don’t know.

Unconscious Incompetence –

Notes & Links

SPECIAL GUEST: Ariel Raz from the Stanford K12 Lab

Stanford –

K12 Lab –

Design Thinking  Institute – Shanghai

June 7-9, 2019 on the Concordia campus in Pudong, Shanghai

For information and registration visit…