A particularly red episode for you this week. The history of instability in Sudan that contributed to the military coup on 25th October, the COP26 circus, The Times on conversion therapy and the government consultation, the lawyer who won billions for indigenous peoples then felt the full force of the law, Matt and Chlöe on the libel train, the Beatles Museum, the horror of virtual reality with Mark Zuckerberg and Nick Clegg, and a new workers cooperative in Corbyn country.  


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Boris Johnson's fascist 'fall of Rome' comments 


Urging change of gender to be criminalised - George Grylls in The Times (archived link) 


Government consultation on conversion therapy 


This Attorney Took On Chevron. Then Chevron-Linked Judges and Private Prosecutors Had Him Locked Up. - Sofia Andrade for Slate (2021) 


Lawnmower man - trapped in virtual reality 


Play Bamboozle! Quiz 


Astley In The Noose - The Wonderstuff 


A conversation with the founder of ethical food delivery service, Wings - London In Bits 


Wings Ethical Food Delivery (Finsbury Park only)

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